We care about your safety

Francesco WiedemannMar 16, 2020

With recent news around coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to share the actions we're taking to continue making Kyte a safe transport option.

What Kyte is doing

    • Sanitizing every car before it is getting delivered. We are sanitizing all surfaces customers might touch before every delivery. This makes the car a neutral zone as you enter it.

    • Decreasing contact during handovers. Every surfer has been provided with sanitary gloves to make the handovers of your car touch-free. Also, we have updated our handover process to allow customers to sign their rental agreement on their own phones. This is for both your and our surfers’ safety.

    • Introducing flexible long-term rentals following increased requests from customers who want to avoid other means of transport.

Things you can do

    • Stay informed using official sources. The CDC and World Health Organisation (WHO) are constantly updating their pages with the latest information about the coronavirus.

    • Practice good hygiene. Clean your hands often, and use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    • Stay at home if you are sick. If you are feeling unwell, please avoid using rideshare, car rentals, taxis, or public transportation.

Stay safe! - Team Kyte.

Francesco Wiedemann is a co-founder of Kyte.